Politics and current events has been a growing passion of Dan’s for many years. After writing his political thriller series, The Brotherhood of the Red Nile, he realized that not all news being reported was:
1) Factual
2) Unbiased
3) Comprehensible.
So he set out to provide a way people to understand the “between the lines” news that is either swept under the rug or deemed unnecessary for the average citizen.
Dan now writes a commentary on the DailyCaller.com, TheHill.com, Reganbaby.com, the dailysurge.com and others. He comments on what is happening with the same insight and awareness that he writes his books. He sheds light on what is really happening, not what big government wants you to believe is happening. His commentaries provide an opening in your mind to expand new insight and possibly take a look at our world with a different pair of eyes.